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Our Performance & Exam Results

Exam Results 

The key headline measure for schools is Progress 8, which measures success by looking at the progress every single student makes across a broad range of 8 subjects.  This is a measure of the value we add during the students’ educational journey with us, regardless of their ability.  Progress 8 accounts for the difference between what a student achieves in their subjects and what national benchmarks require them to achieve.  A score of zero indicates expected progress has been made.  A score below -0.5 is regarded as below the national floor standard.

As a school we are proud of the fact that we regularly secure a positive Progress 8 figure for our students.  This means that, using the Government’s preferred measure of school performance, our students, on average, make greater progress than expected in every one of their 8 subjects.  Additional detail about our exam results can be seen in the ‘Student Achievement 2024’ document in the downloads section.

The DfE Compare School site where more achievement and attainment data for the school can be found at, please click here

Exam Results 2024

Following disruption to exam series in 2020 and 2021 adaptions and mitigations were put in place for the exam series in the summer of 2022.  As a result of this and given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

However, in the summers of 2023 and 2024, a return to pre-pandemic grading was put in place.  This meant that grade boundaries were slightly higher than in the previous couple of years and this has led to a national shift in the grades achieved.


Ofsted visited Newfield School in March 2022 (report published 16 May 2022) and judged the school to be “Good”.  The details of this inspection can be found at, please click here


Student Destinations

We hold a post-16 evening each year for our Year 11 students and they also have sixth form ‘taster’ lessons at King Ecgbert School during the autumn term.  A Careers Advisor from Sheffield Futures is also in school each week to support with post-16 considerations.  Alongside this we have a CEIAG coordinator who builds in CEIAG activities from Year 7.

For more detailed information on destination post-16, please click here

*It should be noted that the above links are to external sites and the school takes no responsibility for anything inaccurate or irresponsible that may be shown on them.  Further details can be found in our website linking policy in About Us, Policy and Guidance Documents.

Pupil Premium

Newfield School is committed to investing the pupil premium to provide opportunities for all students to achieve their full potential.  Please see the ‘Pupil Premium’ section of our website for more details.

Quality Mark

The Quality Mark recognizes that the Achievement for All framework was used to significant effect resulting in target students making outstanding improvements and where the school has led effective joint work with other schools.