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At the heart of all our work is a continuous cycle of planning, teaching and assessment which takes account of the wide range of abilities, aptitudes and interests of our students. The majority of pupils will learn and progress within these arrangements, however, those whose overall attainments and achievement in specific subjects fall significantly outside the expected range, may need additional support.  

We support pupils with a wide range of needs which makes us a very inclusive school. Support is organised by our Special Educational Needs Coordinator who works with a team of Teaching Assistants.  Pupils may receive support in class, in small withdrawal groups and sometimes individually. The SEND Team also run a range of interventions designed to support our pupils in accessing the Curriculum and preparing for adult life.  

Our SEND Access for All Policy and SEND Information Report, detail how we aim to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has a Special Educational Need or Disability and those needs are made known to all staff that are likely to work with them.  


All pupils with Special Educational Needs have access to specialist resources where necessary.  This may include Teaching Assistant time, small group withdrawal, one to one work and specialist materials (including computer software).  

As a modern building our school is fully compliant with the Disability and Discrimination Act. 

Take a look at the council's Local Offer page.  

Miss Tuffin is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), Mrs Hall is our Special Educational Needs Manager (SEND Manager).  Both can be contacted at the school and are able to answer any questions you may have. 

Mr Chew is our SEN governor. 

This page here has useful information and the drop-ins listed on their website are great for families awaiting a diagnosis.


Supporting Y6 transition to Newfield School 

The SENCO will visit all feeder Primary Schools between May and July to ensure that preparations are made to support pupils who have additional needs and disabilities with their transition into Secondary School.  

Additional visits for those who would like it or require it will take place between May and July.  If your child has learning difficulties and you are worried about their transition to Newfield, please contact our SENCO, Miss Tuffin for more information. 

To view our SEND Policies, you can find them here.