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EduLink One

The Edulink One app allows you to access information about your child or children with one single login.  It also enables the school to send messages and letters directly to parents and is our main method of communication. 

Current information that the school holds on record may be out of date and this gives you the opportunity to check and amend any incorrect data.   

Getting Started with EduLink One 

Access EduLink One from your Smartphone or tablet: 

  1. Go to your App store 
  2. Search for EduLink One, created by Overnet Data 
  3. Download the free app 
  4. Open EduLink One 
  5. Enter Newfield into the School ID field 
  6. Enter your Username and Password and click Log In

Access EduLink One from your computer or laptop: 

  1. Visit 
  2. Enter Newfield into the School ID field 
  3. Enter your Username and Password and click Log In. 

Once you have logged in you should see a picture of your son/daughter surrounded by numerous different icons.  If you have multiple children in the school, their images should appear on the top right-hand side of the screen. 

If you have trouble logging in, please do not hesitate to contact Matthew Loxley (Data Manager).  

Once you have accessed the app, please access the ‘update information’ icon, check your personal details and your child’s details thoroughly, making and saving any necessary changes.  

The consent section at the bottom of your child’s details allows you to provide consent for their images and biometrics.  You will need to click on the ‘parental consent’ bar to bring up the drop-down menu.  It is important that the appropriate boxes are ticked.  Completing this section will ensure that the school holds the most up to date information and parental permissions for your child or children. 



This is an online system which you can use to make cashless payments for school trips, school meals and other purchases. This secure system will enable you to pay online using a debit or credit card. 

You will need an email address and access to the Internet to use this service, as well as a bank account. All payments that you make will be logged against your child’s account and you will be able to make these at your convenience and keep a track of transactions with school.  It will also ensure that no money is held on our premises. 

Enter into a browser and you will be taken to the home screen.  From here, you can use your username and password to activate your new account.  Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.  Your child will need adding to your account.   

Already have a ParentPay account? 

If you already have a ParentPay account with another school, e.g. your child’s primary school, you can simply login to that account and add your other children via the ‘add a child’ tab on your homepage.  You will need the activation username and password to do this. 

New to ParentPay? 

You have a secure online account, activated using a unique activation username and password; you will be prompted to change these and to keep them safe and secure as your username and password for future logins. 

More than one child at school? 

If you have two or more children at school, you only need to activate one account to create your ‘main account’ and then add your other children via the ‘add a child’ tab on your homepage.   

You can top up credit as and when you wish and use this to pay for school meals and all school activities when they are assigned to your child. 

Please note that usernames and passwords have been created for the person listed as primary carer in our system.  Once that account has been activated, the ParentPay system will allow us to create a second payer, this could be mum, dad or a grandparent for example.  If you would like a second sign in for your child, please contact us. 

If you wish to pay by cash at a PayPoint store, please contact the school and you will be issued with a barcode.  Please be aware making a payment via the PayPoint network can take up to 48 hours to be credited.  Please see the enclosed list for the nearest PayPoint store to school or visit  Paypoint and enter your postcode. 

If you require any further information regarding this, please contact the school. 

How to make a withdrawal from your ParentPay account

Adverse Weather Advice

During periods of adverse weather conditions, information will always be posted on our website and depending on the severity of the conditions, text messages will also be sent to parents.  Conditions will be monitored closely throughout the day with updates on any changes posted on the website.  

Background information about school closures 

We are sometimes asked why school closes during severe weather conditions. 

Firstly, we make every attempt to keep the school open.  The site supervisors clear snow and grit the school service road and paths. 

A decision to close the school is not taken lightly.  Our priority is the health and safety of students and staff.  Most of our staff live some distance from the school; if road conditions make it impossible for them to get to school we will not be able to provide adequate supervision for students.  So even though students who live close to school can get in during heavy snow, very few staff can do so (given the school’s location on a steep hill surrounded by narrow streets).  This is the main reason why the school may either open late (to allow extra time for staff to get to school) or not at all. 

There may also be rare occasions when we have to close early to enable staff and students to get home safely if conditions deteriorate during the day.  In this case, the building will always remain open, with supervision, for students to remain warm and dry until they are picked up or have made arrangements to go home. 

When school is open we expect students to make every effort to attend. 

On days when severe weather is forecast, the Headteacher is in contact with other members of the Senior Leadership Team and the site supervisor between 5.30am and 6.00am to assess the situation. Information is then posted on the school website and if there are changes to normal opening arrangements, texts are sent to parents. 

Please note that decisions about whether to close the school are not taken because of impact on league tables for attendance.  Attendance figures take conditions that are beyond the control of school and students into account. 


Punctuality is vital to achievement and attainment at Newfield School. If students are late to school they will receive a detention the same day. Please note that during a child’s journey to and from school they are representing the school and wearing the Newfield School uniform. Poor behaviour may lead to a sanction. Our most successful students are those with excellent attendance and punctuality. 

If travelling by bus your child needs to; 

  • be safe and well behaved on the bus
  • have a safe place to keep their bus pass and ticket
  • know how to be on time and ready at the bus stop in the mornings

The bus service is run by First and the main bus routes serving the school are: 

  • 718 – Manor Top to Newfield School 
  • 20 – Olive Grove to Hemsworth 
  • 723 – Heeley to Norton to Newfield School 


Encouraging our students to walk and cycle to school eases congestion on the school drive and reduces pollution. The safety of our students on their way to and from school is of paramount importance to us. If your child cycles please ensure they are visible to other road users and pedestrians and wears high visibility clothing, lights, reflectors and a helmet. Walking to school provides an excellent opportunity to meet up with friends and extend their social network. When walking to school please ensure your child crosses the road safely and uses designated school paths. 

School Uniform

Newfield School Uniform

Burgundy blazer with school logo

Black polo shirt with school logo

Optional black knitted pullover or cardigan with school logo
This may be worn under the blazer if required for extra warmth

Black Tailored Trousers or Black Skirt
• Trousers must be tailored, straight legged and full length;
• Trousers should not be tight fitting or a skinny style;
• Trousers should not be jeans, jeggings, leggings, chinos, leather or tracksuit bottoms.
• Trousers should not be rolled up at the end of the trouser leg(s)
• Skirts should finish at or below the knee. Lycra or tight-fitting skirts are not permitted
• Tights if worn should be plain, flesh-coloured or black
• Plain black belt

Plain Black Shoes
• All footwear must be plain black
• All shoes must be plain black shoes (not trainers) with flat soles – high heeled shoes are unsuitable for our school site
• Plain black shoes must be completely black without any other colour trim or coloured logo
• This means logos, tongues and any visible sole must be plain black
• Reflective markings are not allowed
• Laces must be plain black
• No boots, high tops, ballet pump type shoes or plimsoles, canvas, sandals or open top types shoes are allowed

These expectations are in place for the entire year, even in the winter months. In case of bad weather, students are welcome to bring a change of shoes to make the journey to and from school easier but will be expected to be in appropriate shoes during the school day.

Physical Education Uniform
• Burgundy t-shirt, burgundy Newfield School sweatshirt or hoodie - it MUST have the school logo on it
• Plain black sports shorts, knee length cycling shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings - no large logos, stripes, or writing
• Students are to wear PE Uniform on the days they have their PE lessons
• Students who attend school in incorrect PE uniform will be given correct PE uniform to wear by Student Services, with a comment being issued
• Students who attend school in PE uniform on a non-PE lesson day will receive a comment and be given school uniform to change in to.

Headscarves worn for cultural reasons should be plain black or plain burgundy. Headbands are allowed to be worn but must be plain with no additional adornment (s). Headbands that draw undue attention to a student are not permitted.

We understand that uniform can be expensive. We are committed to making sure we balance quality with affordability so that uniform lasts and withstands the demands of everyday school life. School trousers, skirts, shoes and shorts or tracksuit bottoms for PE can be bought from any retailer. We do not specify that these should be bought through our uniform supplier. We always have a stock of clean uniform for students to borrow if needed. We have donated/’pre-loved’ uniform in good condition if parents/carers would like to request items free of charge. We will always support families who are struggling to provide uniform for their children. Please contact Student Services for all uniform enquiries.

School uniform and PE uniform can be purchased through our supplier – Pinders. Alternatively, parents or carers can purchase non-branded uniform items but they must be in line with the uniform expectations outlined above.

There are three ways to purchase uniform items
1. Online, with delivery to home or school
2. By an order form that can be left at school – the order will be sent to school for collection by the student
3. Directly at Pinders’ retail outlet at Crystal Peaks, where students can try on different sizes. All school uniform items should be clearly labelled with the student’s name.

For link to Pinders please click here 

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